The Astrology of 2012: Preparing for Union
Workshop with Astrologer Tom Lescher
July 7th to 9th, at Jupitersenteret, Son, Norway
Saturday July7th: Evening session 19:00 - 21:00
Sunday 8th and Monday 9th: From 10:00 to 17:00,
with optional yoga on Sunday and Monday at 08:30
Price: Kr. 1800,- for the whole weekend
Kr. 150,- for Saturday evening only
Accomodation: Rooms at Jupitersenteret can be hired for kr. 200,- to 300,-.
Food: We serve tea, coffee and fruit. Bring your own lunch. Shops and cafés in Son are nearby.
When registering we need your birthdate, time and place for Tom Lescher to make your individual birth chart.
Personal readings:
Tom Lescher will also be available for personal readings on Tuesday 10th and Wednesday 11th.
Kr. 300,- deposit upon registration
Previous workshops
Our next workshop is scheduled for October 22. and 23. 2011
at the Jupitersenter in Son, near Oslo.
It will be a new introductory course, titeled:
at the Jupitersenter in Son, near Oslo.
It will be a new introductory course, titeled:
Become your own Master
Tools and manuals to help you become the complete version of yourself.
An introduction.
Neste kurs vil bli arrangert 22. og 23. oktober på Jupitersenteret.
Det blir et nytt begynnerkurs med tittelen:
Bli din egen Mester
Verktøy og bruksanvisning for å bli den fullstendige versjonen av deg selv.
En introduksjon.
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