Friday, June 8, 2012

2012: Preparing for Union

Watch Tom Leschers video describing his upcoming workshop: The Astrology of 2012: Preparing for Union

Don't miss out on the chance to participate in this exciting 3 day workshop, July 7th to 9th in Son, near Oslo.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Astrology of 2012: Preparing for Union

Lotus Mystery School proudly presents

Workshop with Astrologer Tom Lescher

July 7th to 9th 2012 , at Jupitersenteret, Son, Norway

See under Workshops for more details

Tom Lescher's own presentation of the workshop on Youtube

This is the time that we have been waiting for, and we are the ones to bring in a totally new consciousness to 3rd dimensional, physical, planet earth. This new consciousness is the conscious acceptance of UNION, our union with not only each other but with all existence. This consciousness begins with the dismantling of separation consciousness which has existed for 1000’s of years and is the consciousness we have all grown up within.

The dismantling of separation consciousness begins with a rebalancing of the masculine and feminine energies within. We have graduated from the school of individualization which was a necessary step in human evolution so that we could take this next step of conscious reunion/merging/LOVE. The old (and not-so-old) relationship rules no longer apply. It is time to accept that we need each other, are intra-dependent (not co-dependent) and can maintain our individuality while being one with another in blissful intimate partnership!   Are you ready?

This huge shift of consciousness requires simply that we accept that this change has, is, and will continue to grow stronger within human nature. That men and women no longer need to be threatened by each other, but accept that we need each other and that this need is not a weakness, is not something to be ashamed of, hide, or fear. It is time to stop blaming and shaming each other as we are truly shaming and blaming ourselves. It is time to recognize and feel the pain caused by this separation consciousness so that we can heal past wounds and co-create a new future of unity consciousness.

The astrology of 2012 not only shows this transition occurring, but shows how, where, and when your own personal evolutionary process is unfolding within it. We will look particularly at the planetary archetypes of Black Moon Lilith, Chiron, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune to see the unique individual areas of life experience where you have personally desired to explore, feel, and master separation consciousness leading to ever deepening experiences of total healing and union both within, with a soul partner, and with the world.

These workshops will explore both your individual natal soul blueprint and where this year’s transits reflect your new emerging potential to release and surrender your “old self,” and through devotion, heart opening, and acceptance, create an amazing personal experience of sweet love. If you have been on a path consciously seeking to open your heart this workshop may provide you with some understanding of the disorienting and disconnecting experiences you may have been feeling.

This is brand new material that has never been presented before, and is specifically designed to help you forge new pathways and give you new tools to open your heart using the rich, profound, wisdom mirrored in the starry night sky. We will combine astrology with kundalini yoga, breathwork, and meditation to experience first-hand the emotions of release, surrender, love, gratitude and bliss so the vibration of these emotions can be remembered, recognized, and recreated in the future.

The Friday night introduction will lay the groundwork for the workshop by looking at the current celestial patterns as they relate to this opening of a new consciousness. We will then experience the 12 archetypes through movement, music, and yoga which will lead into a deeper understanding particularly of the Black Moon Lilith archetype in your natal chart. This archetype of the powerful feminine that rejected subservience to and domination by, the masculine (as the first wife of Adam) will be the focus of the workshop through which we may come to heal the split between the masculine and feminine within ourselves and in our relationships.