About us

Why a Mystery School?

You may wonder why we call ourselves a Mystery School.
Is that not something of the past, or something that belongs to fiction, like Harry Potter and his school?

Indeed it is, but to me it is also very much a part of today and everyday life.

My whole life I have been fascinated by the unseen, and the unexplainable, always knowing there was so much more to life than what meets the eye and the rational mind. By being open to all the mysteries of our world and to life itself, I have been collecting pieces of this grand puzzle that constitutes the mysteries of life.

These mysteries contain the knowledge of  who we truly are and where we are going, and connects us with the essence of  pure love and joy. Through our school I want to share with you my understanding of this magnificent puzzle, and to support you all in rediscovering your true divine self.

Love and blessings,

Healing course

Hi there, my name is Eivind. I am a teacher at Lotus Mystery School — a team providing entry-level and more advanced life mastery courses.

Our new course about healing lets you, the participant, discover your built-in healing capabilities and learn more about what healing is. "Yes, what is healing?" you might ask. We would like to give you some answers to that, both by first hand exploration with us in addition to presenting scientific research results. Getting to know healing with your own hands is a great way to learn, and a good first step for inviting the healing powers into your life. We will teach you how you can heal yourself physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Our team is dedicated to give you individual feedback in an intimate course setting with few participants per facilitator. We also aim to give you some knowledge about the science of healing and some details about research done in this area. This course is an integral part of self-discovery and life-mastery, since healing wounds, particularly emotional wounds from the past, is essential to a truly happy life.

If this sounds interesting, please contact us and make a reservation today.
